Nothing will ever change for disadvantaged people of color unless we all do our part. Put your email address down below, and we’ll keep you updated on this movement.

(Disclaimer: The population of Africa is not equal to the population of China and India combined as stated in the video)

Nguzo Saba
The Seven Principles

The Seven Principles, or Nguzo Saba, are "the best of African thought and practice in constant exchange with the world." These seven principles comprise Kawaida, (meaning "Common"). Learn more about each principle below.

Hover over each principle to learn more

  • Umoja

    To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.

  • Kujichagulia

    To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.

  • Ujima

    Collective Work and Responsibility
    To build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems and to solve them together.

  • Ujamaa

    Cooperative Economics
    To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together.

  • Nia

    To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

  • Kuumba

    To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

  • Imani

    To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Make an Investment in Our Future

Aiding People of Color Around the World

Being a part of AHG will allow you to continue to do business but with a bigger purpose. Not only will you continue to grow your business, but you will also continue to help people of color around the world. We want you to succeed! With your success and help we can continue to provide vocational opportunities for those in need. Through Africa House Global Fund, Africa House Global will continue to establish itself as a huge benefactor in aiding people of color around the world! Won’t you join us?

Why E-commerce?

Worldwide, ecommerce is expected to grow by as much as 13 to 25 percent. Projections from eMarketer are showing rapid global ecommerce growth through 2018. This year is expected to reach $1.6 trillion, and peak at $2.5 trillion. In the U.S. alone, ecommerce growth is anticipated to be somewhere between 11.6 and 16.5 percent through 2018. The stats further confirm that ecommerce will lead the way of business in the years to come. At AHG we want to be proactive in creating vocational opportunities for people of color. Participating in ecommerce opens more opportunities for our investors, partners and vendors to grow. Act now on this ground floor opportunity!


Being an Investor:

Being an investor in Africa House Global means you will become an important component of the greater whole; a movement that is much more than yourself. It means being a part of a community of people that help and support each other in any way they can. We want you to see what your investments mean to us, and how they will help us continue to grow. We want you to take pride in what you are investing into here at AHG. Your investment helps change the lives in communities around the world. We are working to create better economic possibilities for those of color. We start by building a brand and foundation that people will know and trust.


The economies of Africa and the Caribbean are entering a golden age. Economic growth across both regions is above the world average. People of color in America are likewise prospering. If African Americans were our own country, we would be the 15th richest country in the world. However, people of color are still being left behind.

In order to ensure economic prosperity for our people, we must stick together. All of us must stick together. That is what AHG is all about. View each flag below and learn more about the combined power of people of color.

  • African Union

    African Union
    The people that make up the countries of the African Union number more than one BILLION

  • Afro-Americans

    African Americans in the US have an annual economic base of 1.3 trillion dollars.

  • United States

    About 13% of the population in the United States is Black; over 38 million people.

  • Caricom

    The Caribbean Community is an organization of 15 Caribbean nations with over 18 million people

  • Brazil

    African-Brazilians make up the majority of Brazil, with over 91 million people.

  • Canada

    There are more than 1.2 million Black people currently living in Canada

  • United Kingdom

    There are over 1.2 million Black people in the UK, making over 2 percent of the population.

  • India

    The population of India is made of over 1.3 billion people of color.

  • France

    There are as many as 5 million Black people in France, or 8% of the population.